Friday 9 October 2015


Describe the set brief for the Preliminary Task. What was it that you were asked to create? Use the correct media Specific vocabulary and show that you understand the meaning of these terms.

We were asked to create a continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing the room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character with whom he/she exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. we were also asked to demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse and the 180 degree angle.

Explain everything that you did leading up to the point when you started filming (preproduction).
Discuss how this process helped to prepare you for filming.

We first watched videos of how to shoot a video in several different camera angles and learned different camera angles such as close up, establishing shot, mid shot and so on. We also took photos in those and various other camera angles. We did this to get a clear understanding of the different camera angles and to put that into practise. We then had to edit a video that was previously made using these angles. We did this to understand how to use premiere pro and edit a video properly. I also had to outline how premiere pro helped me edit the video and publish it onto my blog. Then we had to get into our groups and film and edit a short video for the preliminary task. We decided to film a video of a sixth former stealing milk from a year 7 student. We first wrote down the script onto a paper. We then draw the plot which was the DT room and the different scenes in different camera angles. We planned how and where we were going to film the video. We also drew the positions of the characters (George and    ) and the material (milk).

We then had to create a table which included the date (when we were going to shoot the video), the place (DT room), when the characters were free to film the video, equipments that were needed (a phone with a camera) and materials that were needed (the milk).


Describe the filming process itself (production). how did this go?

I think the filming went well. We had to film the beginning shot outside of the school building. Then we had the main character walking through the corridor to the DT room and sitting down. We then filmed both of the characters talking to each other using the 180 degree angle.

Explain the editing stage for your Preliminary Task (post production). This should include how you applied new skills you have learnt.

I edited the video using premiere pro. I had to arrange the clips in order and cut the unnecessary parts of the clips and add audio onto the part of the video where the main character was walking through the corridor into the DT room. I also had to make sure that the video the person watching the video understands what is going on in the video by editing it to a good quality. When I transferred the video to premiere pro it was zoomed in. so I learned how to zoom out and make it normal size. I also learned how to insert audio.

Evaluate your finished Preliminary Task. How well does it meet the expectations of your set brief? Which parts of it do you think are particularly strong? where are there weaknesses? What can you identify as being an area for development when it comes to producing your Main Task?

 I think we have filmed the video well and edited to a good quality. I have also added audio to the beginning part of the video. We didn’t film some scenes that we included in the starting plan. I think we should have filmed those scenes to improve this. We also included a notebook and a pencil case in the initial plan. However we forgot to use these materials when we were filming the video. We could have made this better by adding these materials when we filmed the video. Overall I think that the preliminary task went okay.