Sunday 27 December 2015

Planing: Casting


Gabriella is a teenager who is self-confident, she enjoys playing piano. Gabriella is not a stereotypical teenage girl, she is quite opposite as she is not ladylike. She would rather spend her free time hanging out with her friends and majority of her friends are boys. Gabriella's role will be played by Emma Jeeves. We think Emma is suitable for the role of Gabriella because she is quite confident in front of the camera. She has also done drama in her GCSE's, which is a big benifit because she already knows how acting and filming works. She will be able to fit in Gabriella's role as she is not shy and has got some experience of acting.

You can see Emma in the video below. We thought that, it might be good to take a short video of our actors, before the actual filming, to make sure that they are right for the role.


David is a teenage boy who is shy and does not talk much. He does not like to socialise with other people. He spends most of his time at home, or with his younger sister. David's role will be played by Natharn Wamala. Natharn is 16 years old and we think he is suitable for the role of David because he is also quite shy.


Michael is also a teenager who is very positive and outgoing. He is really confident and he spends most of his spare time  hanging out with his friends. Michael's role will be played by Ashley Paddick. Ashley is 16 years old. We think he is suitable for the role of Michael because he is a really  positive person, fun to be with, self-confident and he is not shy to act in front of the camera. He also did drama for his GCSE's which also makes him suitable for acting.

You can see Ashley in the video below, where we have taken the first footage of him before the real filming. By doing this short video, we are confident now that Ashley is perfect for the role of Michael. 

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Planning - Location Planning

Location planning is very important before filming because once we have an idea of the locations that we want to film in, we can go to the locations to see whether those locations are suitable for filming the opening of our film. This post consists of the location of our film opening. We are filming in 2 locations. The picture below shows a part of the town. This is our first location. This is where the 3 friends are going to walk. They are going to find the map near one of the buildings. We chose this location because it is going to be dark at night and there is barely anyone. This would create a sense of danger and fear.

These pictures show Amanda's garage. In the film this is going to be shown as David's work space where he will create the map and the clues for the game. We are going to film his hands making the clues and the map in the garage. We think this location is suitable for David's work space because it is a big space and it already looks quite dark and mysterious when it's dark. We can make it look even scary by emptying the garage and pining some photos of the four friends and mark them with "X" marks to show the audience that they are the people on his list that he wants to kill.We could also  make it look untidy.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Planning - Producing A Storyboard

A storyboard is a sequence of drawings, with some dialogues. Showing the shots that it's planned for a film production.

Here is an example of the original Jurassic Park's storyboard, where David Lowery has designed it.

 This storyboard shows where the dinosaur came alive for the first time in Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park.

David Lowery has also the assistant art director for The Lost World: Jurassic Park and an illustrator for Jurassic Park.

In the presentation below, you can see a  part of our storyboard, which consists of our filming process. This is going to help us to film the scenes, as the storyboard tells us the camera angle, camera shot, camera movement and also the actors needed, and the location. We only picked out a part of the storyboard because it would be time consuming  to draw out every single shot, so we only chosed the main ones for the storyboard.

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Saturday 19 December 2015

Planning: Writing a treatment

The film starts with a low angle long shot of the four friends in town.

 Then the production company's name comes up in the bottom of the first shot of the friends.

 Then a close up of hands creating the map. In this scene, there is a non- diegetic sound in a low pitch.

 A mid shot followed by close up shots of the friends, to make the audience more familiar with them.

 Then there is a mid shot of each of the friends with the titles in the bottom of the scene. (The titles consist of the actors names.)

 A close up of the hands making the map. Followed by a shot of the room showing the photos of dead people. (The room is dark and light only falls on the table where the killer is creating the map.)

 Then a black screen comes up with the film's name. Non- diegetic sound can be heard that creates a feeling of danger.

 A shot of the friends in town. Gabriella flicks David's hat off his head  as having fun.(Titles are shown here.)

 Shot of David picking up the hat and finding something unusual.

 A mid shot of David picking up something. (Titles are shown here).

 A close up of a scrolled up paper and David's hand picking it up.

 You cannot see what is inside the paper as its scrolled up. Non- diegetic sound comes in, which creates tension in the scene.

 A shot of the hands making the clues. An extreme close up of the photo of a tree
 marked by a symbol that was seen earlier in the killer's room. More shots showing the room.

 The friends gather around and looks at the map. this is shown by a long shot going into an extreme close up. When the map is shown in an extreme close up a non-diegetic sound can be heard. The sound is high pitch.

Friday 18 December 2015

Research: Target Audience Feedback

We created a survey using to get feedback and to know how many people are interested in watching our movie "Game Over".
To see our survey CLICK HERE.

What is your age group?

  • Answered: 19 
  • Skipped: 0





For our first question we decided to ask about the age of the people who are taking the survey. 
From the answers that we have obtained you can see that more than 80% of the 19 people who  took the survey are between the ages of 16 and 18 and 20% of the people are between 13 and 15.

Do you enjoy watching horror films?

  • Answered: 19 
  • Skipped: 0





For our second question we wanted to know how many people enjoy watching horror films. From the results obtained we found 36.84% of the people enjoy watching horror films, 36.84% of the people are in the middle and 26.32% of the people does not enjoy watching horror films.

What types of horror films do you prefer?

  • Answered: 17 
  • Skipped: 2

Found footage
Other (please specify)

Found footage and point of view






Other (please specify)

For our third question we decided to ask about the types of movies that the  audience prefer watching. From the results that we have obtained you can see that 35.29% of the people prefer watching psychological horror films.

Do you think the title suits the movie? If not what would you recommend?

  • Answered: 17 
  • Skipped: 2

Showing 17 responses
12/9/2015 9:25 AM View respondent's answers
12/8/2015 7:48 AM View respondent's answers
12/7/2015 1:30 PM View respondent's answers
12/7/2015 1:15 PM View respondent's answers
yes it suits it
12/7/2015 12:59 PM View respondent's answers
Women in black 
12/6/2015 9:58 PM View respondent's answers
12/6/2015 9:18 PM View respondent's answers
12/4/2015 4:15 PM View respondent's answers

For our fourth question we decided to ask if the title of the film suits the film because we wanted to know if the title is appropriate for our film. From the results that we have obtained you can see that the majority of the people thinks the title is appropriate.

What do you think about our initial idea? Is there any changes that we could do to make it better?

  • Answered: 15 
  • Skipped: 4

Showing 15 responses
It is good. You could have the dead friend(s) try and help the killer.
12/9/2015 9:25 AM View respondent's answers
12/8/2015 7:48 AM View respondent's answers
Include some sort of context behind the map, where it derived from, what it was used for and what the purpose is. The mysterious black figure could be a ghost, one the friend or a creature. 
12/7/2015 1:30 PM View respondent's answers
I think the initial idea is good as it builds up suspense but I would suggest killing off more than one friend 
12/7/2015 1:15 PM View respondent's answers
no it sounds good
12/7/2015 12:59 PM View respondent's answers
not really 
12/6/2015 9:58 PM View respondent's answers
I personally don't like horror films, but I think it sounds good for people who do like them. 
12/4/2015 2:38 PM View respondent's answers
Maybe add a bit of background into the story at the beginning? 
12/4/2015 11:03 AM View respondent's answers

For our fifth question we decided to ask about what our audience think about our initial idea and if there are any changes that we could make to make it better. We got many great ideas but the one that stood out the most was the idea of the black figure being one of the friends, a ghost or a creature. 

How do you imagine the opening of the film would be?

  • Answered: 16 
  • Skipped: 3

Showing 16 responses
The 4 friends in the woods The friends finding the map
12/9/2015 9:25 AM View respondent's answers
4 firiends meet in college or school
12/8/2015 7:48 AM View respondent's answers
A flashback of what happened before when the map was created and the reason behind it's creation. Then it leads onto the 4 teenagers finding the map after their night out. 
12/7/2015 1:30 PM View respondent's answers
Showing the woods and the skyline behind it. Make sure that it looks scary and dark. You could show the creature that kills one of the friends running through the woods to make the audience wonder what it is. Then go to the friends in town and finding the map.
12/7/2015 1:15 PM View respondent's answers
the teenagers getting ready for the night out, everything being cheery and happy
12/7/2015 12:59 PM View respondent's answers
it would be in dark house
12/6/2015 9:58 PM View respondent's answers
Showing the 4 friends on the night out and finding the map
12/6/2015 9:18 PM View respondent's answers

For our sixth question we decided to ask about how the audience imagine our film opening to be. Most of the people said that the film would begin with the four friends going for a night out and having fun and they somehow ends up finding a map and following it.

By doing the survey we got so many great feedback about the changes that we could make to our film opening. We have decided to mark the spot with an "X" and we might change the title of the film.