Tuesday 15 March 2016

Construction: Rough Footage Of X Marks The Spot

In the video above, you can see rough edit of our film opening. We took some of the raw footage, that we have already filmed and put it together, to create a rough idea of how our film opening would look like. This helps us to see if we are missing something and if we need to film any scenes again. For example, we do need to film the very first scene again, as it is quite blurry.
This video is one minute long, so that tells us that we also need to think about, what we will do to make it longer. We could either put in some more footage that we have already filmed. We could also do more filming or add titles in separate shots.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Construction: Evidence Of Filming Taking Place

You can find the evidence of our filming in the presentation below.

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The first slide shows some pictures of us preparing for filming in Corby. In the first picture you can see Enilze finding some newspaper articles of teenagers, murdered in the woods or near the woods. We inserted photos of some teenagers next to the articles, we used these as the killer is keeping track of the people that he has already killed. We also got some images of Ashley (Michael) and Emma (Gabriella). Those images were used as the killer's next victims.
In the second slide you can se Amanda filming the point of view, of Natharn sticking the images onto the wall. You can also see Jeseena holding a lamp, which was used to make the footage clearer. 
The third slide consists of photos of us, filming in location 2 (Kettering Town Centre). You can see us filming from different angles. In the next slide we put a picture of the killer's room (garage) and also a short video of David ( Natharn) preparing his wall of victims. 
The sixth slide shows Natharn applying red food colouring on his hands, as blood to make it look like he had just murdered someone. This would give it a sense of danger.

The last slide consists of 2 videos, one is from location 1 (garage) and the other one is from location 2 (Kettering Town Centre). In each video, we put together short clips of raw footage and also bloopers.

Monday 7 March 2016

Construction: Practising the Camera

Before filming, we thought it would be better to practise the camera and see the quality of the footage, and also to understand how it works. We as a group, arranged a date and time when we were all free. We used that time to walk around the school and film some short clips, that contain different angles, shots and camera movements.

In the video below, you can see and edited video containing the short clips of different angles and shots we took.