Tuesday 10 November 2015

Research Essay: Codes and Conventions of Existing Horror Films

Mise en scene
In this essay I will be writing about what codes and conventions are and how they are used in films to make it effective and visually appealing. Codes are a set of symbols that create a meaning to the film. They are categorized into 2 categories: technical codes and symbolic codes. Technical codes are ways in which equipments like editing, filming and sounds that are diegetic and non-diegetic are used to give some clues for what is about to happen next and to make a film more meaningful. Symbolic codes would include mise en scene, which means make up, costumes props etc. Symbolic codes are what is beneath the surface of what you see. It is the judgments you can make by the appearance of the character such as their clothing or makeup. For example, if a girl is wearing so much makeup you can assume that she is going to an occasion or somewhere special.
Conventions are what you would generally expect to happen in a horror movie.
Here are some examples:
The setting is a secluded area (in the middle of nowhere).
Gender stereotypes (women are the weaker sex).
The power being cut when something scary is happening.
Someone trips and falls whilst they are running away from something.
Someone is killed within the 5 minutes of the movie.
There is an obstacle on the way to the safe place such as a car.
Something scary usually happens at night.
People decide to move into a house even if they have heard other people saying that it is a haunted house.
I am going to be looking at 3 horror films and analysing the codes and conventions used in those films.
Dead wood
Technical codes
The beginning of the film shows a woman waiting in a car for her boyfriend to get some fuel for the car. The film starts with birds singing in the background. From this we could suggest that it is the woods. The video starts with slow music and it shows a lot of trees. This shows that the setting is the woods and the slow music suggests that there is a sense of danger. Then the music becomes louder and faster as the man starts running. This suggests that the man is being chased. The music completely stops as the man stops running. These are all the technical codes that I spotted in the film Dead Wood.
Camera angles/shots
At first there is a long shot to show the forest. Tracking shots are being used whilst the man is running. A point of view shot is used to show the tent and a low angle shot is used to show how deep the cliff is. Furthermore, slow motion shot is used as the man jumps off the cliff and a close up shot of his face is shown after he jumps off the cliff.
The location that the first 5 minutes of the film is filmed is the woods. This is a secluded area. This suggests that there is no one around so there is no source for them to get help from. Gender stereotypes are being used in this film. Other conventions that I noticed were: the man is being chased, he gets killed in the first 5 minutes of the film and there is an obstacle on the way to get to the safe place. In this case the tent is the safe place and the cliff is the obstacle.
Mise en scene
The man was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and trousers and the woman had clothing that revealed her legs.
Dead Mary
Technical codes
In the beginning of the movie you can hear metallic sounds and birds singing. You can then hear a woman tapping her fingers and looking around for someone. There is no signal on the radio or her phone.
Camera angles/shots
You can see an extreme close up shot of the metallic chains in the beginning of the movie. You can also see a close up shot of the road which says gas station. Furthermore you there are close up shots of the of the girl’s hand, her, the woods and a gun.
The location is forest which means that it is a secluded area. The gun in the car suggests danger. Gender stereotypes are used in this film. This is shown when the girls is sitting in the car while the man goes out to find fuel for the car.
Mise en scene
The woman is wearing a shorts and a sleeveless top that is revealing. She has simple makeup. She hasn’t got her shoes on. This means that she has been sitting there for a while. The man is wearing casual clothes (jeans and a shirt).
Wrong Turn
Technical codes
The films starts with slow music. The guy doesn’t respond when the woman asks him to pull her up. Then a drop of blood fell on the woman's face. This shows that the man is hurt. The music becomes louder as the woman is being pulled up. When she reaches the top she sees man’s dead body. This suggests that there is someone or something else there. So she runs away because someone or something is chasing her.
Camera angles/shots
At the beginning of the movie there is a long shot of the forest. Then you can see a high angle shot of the man and the woman and a close up shot of the woman struggling to climb up. You can also see a close up shot of the rope. Furthermore there are tracking shots showing the woman running and point of view shot of the car.
The location is a forest, which means it is a secluded area. Gender stereotypes are being used when the man gets to the top first and the woman needs the man’s help to get to the top. She trips and falls so she couldn’t get to the car. Furthermore, someone gets killed in the first 5 minutes of the film.
Mise en scene
The girl is wearing a shorts and a top, which is revealing. The man is wearing casual clothing (trousers ad a top). Climbing equipment is also used.

In conclusion I think Dead Wood uses the most technical codes, symbolic codes and conventions. This makes the film more frightening, effective and appealing to the audience.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think I have done fine and I'm working at a level 1 because I have added all the codes and conventions that I could spot on all the 3 films. I have added what codes and conventions mean and examples of conventions. However I could add more high level vocabulary.

  3. You have made a good attempt at this essay Jess and I am pleased with the quality of your written communication which I know you were worried about.

    You have broken your essay down into sections and I feel that you move between MINIMAL and BASIC in relation to the quality of your analysis which places your essay inbetween Levels 1 and 2.

    You should, as a starting point for improvement, focus your attention on your ability to use the correct media language in a piece of writing.

    I would like you to edit the post and highlight in different colours the media specific terminology you have used in relation to use of the camera (shots, angles, movement), sound, editing and use of mise-en-scene.

    What do you think this shows about the focus of your analysis of these openings?

  4. Can you please complete the task set out in my reply above.

  5. I have highlighted the media specific terminology that i have used. I think i need to add more points for editing.
