Wednesday 25 November 2015

Planning : From Initial Ideas To a 60 Second Pitch

I did some research on how sound is used to make a horror film more effective  and frightening.We then decided to brainstorm some initial ideas for our film opening. We did this by creating a mind map of several different ideas. In our mind map we included the whole story of the movie instead of just the opening 2 minutes. We also came up with a name for our production company.  The name of our production company is New Dismo

This is a photo of our mind map.
This is a photo of us discussing some initial ideas for our film opening.

We then selected our final idea and decided to produce a rough script of what we are going to include in our 60 second pitch. After that, we wrote some notes onto flashcards. Our 60 second pitch can be found in the video below starting at 3:40.

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